Things to Know Before Traveling to Latvia

Things to Know Before Traveling to Latvia

Things to Know Before Traveling to Latvia
Things to Know Before Traveling to Latvia

Latvia, a small Baltic country in Northern Europe, is known for its rich history, picturesque landscapes, and vibrant cultural scene. Gathering some essential information beforehand will make your journey smooth and enjoyable if you plan a trip to Latvia.

Here are some things to know before traveling to Latvia:

Visa Requirements

Depending on your nationality, you may need a visa to enter Latvia. It is advisable to check the visa requirements well and ensure that your travel documents are in order before your trip. The Schengen visa allows entry into Latvia for up to 90 days within 180 days.

Weather and Seasons

Latvia experiences four distinct seasons. Summers (June to August) are mild and pleasant, with temperatures averaging around 20-25 °C (68-77 °F). Winters (December to February) can be pretty cold, with temperatures dropping below freezing and snowfall expected. Spring and autumn have moderate temperatures and are ideal for outdoor activities.


Latvia is considered a safe country to visit, but it’s always important to take basic precautions. Avoid leaving your belongings unattended, especially in crowded places. Stay vigilant in tourist areas to protect against pickpocketing. It is recommended to carry a photocopy of your passport and keep the original document safe.

Health and Safety

Latvia has a reliable healthcare system, and major cities have medical facilities. It is advisable to have travel insurance that covers medical expenses in case of emergencies. Checking with your healthcare provider regarding required vaccinations before traveling is also recommended.

Internet and Communication

Internet access is widely available in Latvia, and most hotels, restaurants, and cafés offer free Wi-Fi. If you need to make phone calls, purchasing a local SIM card or checking with your mobile service provider for international roaming plans is recommended.

Must-See Attractions

Latvia offers a range of attractions to explore. Some of the must-see places include the historic center of Riga, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with its stunning architecture and vibrant atmosphere. The picturesque coastal town of Jurmala is known for its beautiful beaches and spa resorts. The Gauja National Park near Sigulda is a nature lover’s paradise, offering hiking trails, castles, and breathtaking landscapes.


Must-See Attractions - Things to Know Before Traveling to Latvia


Gauja National Park

Location and Geography

In northeastern Europe, Latvia shares its borders with Estonia to the north, Lithuania to the south, Russia to the east, and Belarus to the southeast. The country’s landscape is diverse, featuring pristine forests, enchanting lakes, and serene countryside, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts.

Cultural Heritage

Latvia has a rich cultural heritage influenced by its history and geographical location. The country’s capital, Riga, is renowned for its well-preserved medieval Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is home to numerous architectural marvels, including the iconic Riga Cathedral and the House of the Blackheads.

Language and Communication

The official language of Latvia is Latvian. While English is spoken in major cities and tourist areas, learning a few basic Latvian phrases is advisable to enhance your travel experience and interact with locals. Latvians appreciate the effort, which can open doors to a deeper cultural understanding.

Currency and Money matter

The official currency of Latvia is the Euro (EUR). ATMs are widely available in cities and towns, and credit cards are generally accepted in most establishments. It is advisable to carry some cash when venturing into rural areas or small towns, where card payment options may be limited.

Transportation and Getting Around

Latvia has a well-developed transportation system, making it easy to explore the country. Riga, the capital, has an efficient public transportation network consisting of buses, trams, and trolleybuses. Intercity travel is convenient via trains, buses, or rental cars. Alternatively, cycling is a popular and eco-friendly way to explore Latvia’s scenic countryside.

Cuisine and Traditional Delicacies

Latvia Cuisine and Traditional Delicacies - Things to Know Before Traveling to Latvia

Latvian cuisine is hearty and influenced by Baltic, Scandinavian, and Eastern European flavors. Traditional dishes often feature local ingredients such as potatoes, cabbage, pork, fish, and rye bread. Don’t miss the opportunity to try mouthwatering delights like gray peas with bacon, smoked fish, and the famous Latvian dark rye bread.

Nature and Outdoor Activities

Latvia is a nature lover’s paradise. The country is home to four national parks, including Gauja National Park, where you can hike, cycle, or canoe amidst breathtaking landscapes. The pristine beaches along the Baltic Sea offer relaxation and water sports opportunities, while the dense forests beckon with tranquil walking trails.

Festivals and Cultural Events

Latvians take pride in their cultural traditions; throughout the year, various festivals and events showcase their rich heritage. The Latvian Song and Dance Festival, held once every five years, is a magnificent celebration of music, dance, and folklore. Additionally, the Midsummer’s Eve (Jāņi) celebration in June is a vibrant and joyous occasion worth experiencing.

Safety and Etiquette

Latvia is generally a safe country to visit, with low crime rates. However, as with any travel destination, it is advisable to exercise caution and take the necessary precautions to safeguard your belongings. Respect for local customs and traditions is essential, including appropriate clothing when visiting religious sites and being mindful of public behavior.

Explore Beyond Riga

While Riga is undoubtedly the highlight of Latvia, consider venturing beyond the capital city to truly experience the country’s beauty. Discover the charming coastal town of Jurmala, renowned for its sandy beaches and historic wooden architecture. Visit Sigulda, known as the “Switzerland of Latvia” for its picturesque landscapes and medieval castles. Exploring smaller towns and rural areas allows you to witness authentic Latvian culture and traditions.

Photography and Drone Regulations

Latvia offers picturesque landscapes and stunning architecture that are a photographer’s delight. However, it’s essential to be aware of local regulations regarding photography and the use of drones. Some religious sites or museums may have restrictions on photography, and drone usage requires prior permission from the Civil Aviation Agency.

Currency Exchange and Tipping

Currency exchange services are available at airports, banks, and exchange offices throughout Latvia. It’s advisable to compare exchange rates and fees to ensure you get the best value. Tipping is not mandatory but is appreciated for good service. A general guideline is to leave a 10% tip at restaurants, cafés, and taxi drivers if the service has been satisfactory.

With its rich history, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality, Latvia offers a unique and unforgettable travel experience. You can ensure a smooth and enjoyable visit by familiarizing yourself with the country’s geography, culture, and local customs.

By keeping these essential tips in mind, you’ll be well-prepared to enjoy your trip to Latvia. Whether exploring Riga’s charming streets, immersing yourself in nature, or indulging in Latvian cuisine, Latvia promises a memorable and enriching travel experience.

So, pack your bags, embrace the Latvian spirit, and get ready to create lifelong memories in this enchanting Baltic gem.

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