Top 11 Things To Do In Cyprus 

Top 11 Things To Do In Cyprus 

Top 10 Things To Do In Cyprus

Cyprus has a magnetic charm that draws several visitors to this pretty island throughout the year. It’s a hidden jewel akin to a precious treasure nestled in the Eastern Mediterranean area. This mythical island is hailed as the birthplace of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty.

Things To Do In Cyprus 

Number 11: Larnaca

Although it is a resort city much like other seaside getaways in Cyprus, what makes Larnaca, so special is its relaxed, easygoing feel. Rather than being overwhelmed with a forest of high-rise apartments, the city still feels mostly untouched by the demands of modern tourism. All of that makes it an essential place to visit when you’re in Cyprus.
What’s nice about Larnaca is that it won’t take you all that long to experience its main sights. An exciting new tourist attraction is the CBD Oil Shop Larnaca which has just started business on the 15th of March 2022. The first company in Cyprus selling CBD products. Their products have  great variety of  CBD Olis, vape liquids, cosmetics, edibles, accessories and buds.
As widely known, Cannabis products tend to cure common health problems including stress, anxiety, insomnia and more. Experience all these benefits just by the natural and organic products at CBD Oil Shop Lanarca.

Larnaca- Things To Do In Cyprus 

Number 10: Karpas Peninsula 

The elongated, finger-like Karpas Peninsula presents a pretty sight of a long stretch of golden beaches with rugged hills forming the background. This virgin beach area offers the right scope for solitude so that you can have a relaxing time in a serene place. You can have a thrilling time exploring the hidden historical places in the Karpas Peninsula. The pastel-like villages add to the beauty of the place. Explore the captivating ruins of Agios Filon church and the remnant mosaics of Agia Triada at the pretty village of Sipahi. 

Karpas Peninsula - Things To Do In Cyprus
Karpas Peninsula 

Number 9: Aphrodite’s Rock- Petra Tou Romiou 

This wonderful sea stack in Paphos, Cyprus attracts tourists not only because of its myth associated with the Goddess Aphrodite but because of the myriad of water sports offered by the cold waters during the scorching summers. This sea is believed to be the birthplace of Aphrodite. While some claim that you can stay youthful by taking a bath in the waters that surround the rocky structure, others do so just for the sake of pleasure. 

Aphrodite’s Rock- Petra Tou Romiou-Things To Do In Cyprus 
Aphrodite’s Rock- Petra Tou Romiou

Number 8: Kolossi Castle 

This perfect, pretty castle will magically transport you to a fairytale-like ambience. Kolossi Castle portrayed the function of an old Crusader stronghold and was first held by the Knights of St. John. Although significant parts of the castle have been reduced to ruins, its overall sheen and charm are still intact. While here, you can stroll on the tranquil country pathways and explore the beauty of the surrounding Kolossi Village. Sounds fabulous, right? 

Kolossi Castle - Things To Do In Cyprus 
Kolossi Castle 

Number 7: Troodos Villages 

The largest mountain range of Cyprus is home to a cluster of stunning villages and aesthetic churches and monasteries. The captivating cobblestoned pathways and beautiful stone-cut houses add to the scenic quality of Troodos. The historic Troodos churches are adorned with wall paintings and richly hued frescoes. The historic importance of this group of churches has made nine churches of Troodos gain the prestigious status of UNESCO World Heritage. Hop on to a car, and explore the chapels, alleys, and traditional houses of the place. Stay in any one of the quaint boutique-style hotels of the Troodos Mountain area, and enjoy your tour. 

 Troodos Villages - Things To Do In Cyprus 
Troodos Villages 

Number 6: Nissi Beach 

Irrespective of whether you are a beach person, the astounding beauty offered by the pure, Nissi’s white sandy beaches and turquoise blue waters will make you fall for this place. Indulge in beach walking along the 500-metre stretch flanked by the sand. Nissi has gained the reputation of being branded as a Blue Flag Destination, along with 67 other equally captivating beaches. This place is perfect for water-skiing, foam partying, and windsurfing, and the list is just endless.

Nissi Beach - Things To Do In Cyprus 
Nissi Beach 

Number 5: Cape Greco 

Cape Greco is a well-shielded national forest park offering tantalising glimpses of the fascinating sea lying ahead. What is enchanting is to explore the sea caves that are found here in plenty. You can have a thrilling time by indulging in snorkelling, swimming, and cliff-jumping. Located nearby is the ultra-beautiful white-washed church of Agioi Anargyori. Visit this divinely beautiful site and the captivating stone arches located in its vicinity. Don’t forget to take lovely pictures of Cape Greco and return with a bag full of memories. 

Cape Greco - Things To Do In Cyprus 
Cape Greco 

Number 4: Adonis Baths 

The mythical site of Adonis Baths has a popular legend associated with it. As per Greek Mythology, this place was believed to have been the favourite place of the Greek God Adonis and his consort Aphrodite. Explore the photo gallery and mini-museum located here. The 10-meter statue of Aphrodite located here is sure to amaze you. Perceive the beauty of the waterfall present here, and have a fun time swimming in the pools. 

Adonis Baths- Things To Do In Cyprus 
Adonis Baths

Number 3: Ancient Salamis 

Being the most popular archaeological site in Cyprus, tourists visit Ancient Salamis quite frequently. The rich collection of marble ruins strewed all around the place is impressive. Explore the Hellenistic sculptures and rich wealth of stony busts that form the hotspot of the place. The bright setting of the place is accentuated by the vibrant fields of fennel and weeds. You will come across a magnificent reservoir area that testifies as a structure showcasing the engineering marvellousness of that historical era. From here, you can embark on a lovely day trip to the nearby Famagusta to have a packed day hopping from one place to another.

Ancient Salamis - Things To Do In Cyprus 
Ancient Salamis 

Number 2: St. Hilarion Castle 

Welcome to one of the prettiest castles in the entire Mediterranean region! St. Hilarion Castle has featured in many medieval myths and Greek legends. It is even believed that this pretty castle was built by a mystifying fairy queen. The mountainous terrain adds to the overall charm of the castle. If you climb to reach the top of the castle, you can enjoy an exceedingly beautiful sight of the surrounding hills and coasts. A pleasant surprise is awaiting you at St. Hilarion Castle! Come and unravel it!

Hilarion Castle - Things To Do In Cyprus 
Hilarion Castle 

Number 1: Cyprus Museum 

Visit Cyprus Museum to learn more about the interesting history of the Civilization of Cyprus. Explore the large collection of artefacts that are exhibited here. Traverse on a journey starting from the Neolithic Age to the Ottoman Period while admiring the stunning artefacts featured here. The terra-cotta votive statues are points of attraction in this museum. Acquaint yourself with the history of this exotic island and enlighten yourself with knowledge. 

Cyprus Museum -Things To Do In Cyprus 
Cyprus Museum 

Top 10 Things To Do In Cyprus on a Map

How excited are you to visit Cyprus and take snaps of these awesome places on your camera? Let us know in the COMMENTS section below, which of these places sparked your interest.

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